Hello! I’m Lali. Woman, mother
and CEO of my own venture.
My purpose is to accompany you on the path of self-knowledge so that you learn to make better decisions and, from there, design and live the life you want. That change you are looking for is in your hands.
I invite you to:
- Learn to manage your thoughts, emotions and stress.
Improve your relationship through effective communication.
Strengthen your self-esteem and grow professionally.
Make decisions with confidence and determination.
In short, to take charge of your own life.
If any of this sounds familiar , this space is for you!
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Before sharing the different paths I designed for you, I want to tell you what brought me here.
I grew up in Rio de Janeiro and returned to Buenos Aires at the age of 16.
At 19 I became a mother for the first time and, added to the challenge of motherhood, I studied and embarked on different careers without a clear direction.
At 30 she was already married, with 3 children, on the verge of divorce and financially bankrupt. My life was chaotic but deep down I felt and was sure that I could do something to make my life different.
For several years, I had a great tour of the universe of emotions (anxiety, anger, jealousy, frustrations).
That “emotional journey” was necessary to be able to transform myself and develop skills in me that make what I offer you today as a coach, not pure theory.
That is why I promise to transfer in a simple way all my years of internal work and research, to accompany you to make better decisions.
And to know what a good decision is, you have to know yourself, because only when you know yourself, you get your decisions to take the form you wanted and not the one they have designed for your life.
That’s why I’m here.
To accompany you to live your life 100%. To work 100%. To build what you want 100%.
Now yes!
I leave you 3 proposals for you to choose your own way of transforming.
You are one click away from starting your inner journey!
“No need to cross oceans and move more than 10 thousand kilometers away to get to know you, because at the end of the day, on your return, everything will remain the same, the landscapes will be the same and you will remain the same person if you did not make an inner journey towards self-reflection and self-knowledge.”
Many people have already done their process and others are still traveling.
We share some of the experiences:
“Lalita!! I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing person. Always so generous, so kind. The Transformation Plan was great!
It changes your head, makes you want to continue growing, helps you to continue in search of personal transformation, which is a path that never ends but that from your hand and the groups that are formed everything seems easier.
Thanks for everything!! I adore you”
“There came a time when I didn’t know who I was, what I wanted, where I wanted to go. I felt anguish, frustration, dissatisfaction.
Life put me to the right person at the right time.
The grossest and most talented Lali and her Personal Transformation Plan.
It really changed the way I look at my life. Today I listen to myself, I love myself more, and little by little I am incorporating the tools he gave us.
You are the best. I love you and infinite graciassss.”
“I’m telling you what it means to have been in the Plan. I already came with a personal process, constant since 2019, then I found you on Instagram, through Pily, over time you started with the workshops and decided to participate.
The Plan helped me a lot in terms of self-worth, in understanding that only I am responsible for my life, it helped me to revise my beliefs and redefine those that were already old.
I learned to love myself more, to respect myself more, without expecting others to do so. It is a constant process, it was a before and after in many things.
I will continue to work in other workshops what is missing. But without a doubt you are, among the people who came to add growth to my life.
Thank you always!
PS: I’m still processing info, super complete workshop! ”
I made a Transformation Plan and retirement. My search, everything they proposed, to heal the bonds in order to transcend certain family histories. To be able to heal through forgiveness. Understand the darkness of the other and convert it. Knowing that it is not me, is the other in a bond with me. Don’t punish me!
I came back from retirement super well, refreshed, with the updated chip! Super relax!
I arrived at the retreat happy, in search of relaxation and inner peace… But it far exceeded my expectations!!! I came back calmly, safely, happier than I got !!! At peace with myself and what the day to day holds! Very grateful… I came back with a lot of love and wanting to hug hard!!!
I arrived super structured and wanting to control many aspects of my life. I went to let go and understand my family ties
I came back free, I came back someone else, I came back full, let go real. I came back aligned with my inner child. I came back knowing where it IS.
Thank you beautiful always grateful to you!
I attend with Lali since December 2019. I went to find my place, my self-love, I went to seek healing. I came back refreshed, light. It was a literal mystical experience. I am not the same as I was, on the contrary, I have become different.
Thank you for so much dedication and dedication!!!
I arrived very tired and with my head exploded and I left life happy. Turned
Understanding more certain choices of mine
In the @unaminacomovos podcast I leave you tools for your day to day.
Follow me on Spotify!
I wait for you on my YouTube channel!
Laura Bunge Hunter @unaminacomovos
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